Category: Human Rights

June 23, 2023

Biden’s Asylum Policy Continues Tradition of US Cruelty to Haitians

Biden has recycled some of Trump’s racist asylum policies. As the repressive Trump-Biden Title 42 asylum policy ended on May 11, migrant rights advocates hoped that humane asylum rules would follow. Title 42, which allowed the U.S. government to expel asylum seekers with no due process, led to nearly 3 million expulsions since Donald Trump initiated the ill-conceived policy… Read more »

May 25, 2023

“There Is No Safe Place in Gaza”: Palestinians Speak Out During Israeli Assault

In a vicious five-day assault, Israeli occupying forces killed 33 Palestinians in Gaza. On May 18, thousands of Palestinians in Gaza joined the “Palestine Flag March” to protest Israel’s “Flag March” happening the same day. On “Flag Day,” tens of thousands of ultraright-wing Israeli settlers, who illegally live on stolen land, attacked Palestinians and journalists, chanting “Death… Read more »

May 6, 2023

Israel Is Using a Vast Network of Biometric Cameras to Terrorize Palestinians

The facial recognition surveillance system violates Palestinians’ human rights to freedom of movement and privacy. Israel is deepening its system of apartheid in the occupied Palestinian territories by using artificial intelligence-powered biometric facial recognition technology to track and restrict the movements of Palestinian people. Facial recognition technology identifies and categorizes people on the basis of… Read more »

March 27, 2023

ICC Charges Putin With War Crimes While US and Israeli Leaders Enjoy Impunity

The U.S. celebrates the charges against Putin, but pressures the ICC to refrain from prosecuting Israelis and Americans. On March 17, a little more than one year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), announced that the Pre-Trial Chamber (PTC) had issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir… Read more »

February 26, 2023

Arkansas’s Anti-BDS Law Remains in Effect Because SCOTUS Refused to Review It

While the far right Israeli regime escalates its repression of Palestinians, the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to disturb an Arkansas law that requires government contractors to certify they are not boycotting Israel or “Israeli-controlled territories.” The high court didn’t specifically uphold Arkansas’s anti-boycott law. However, the court declined to review the case because there were not… Read more »

February 23, 2023

Biden Administration Takes Its Capitulation to Israel to an Absurd New Level

As the new right-wing Israeli regime ramps up its oppression of Palestinians, the Biden administration has taken its capitulation to Israel to a new and absurd level. After nominating an independent expert to serve on a human rights commission, the U.S. State Department withdrew the nomination because the expert accurately called Israel an apartheid state. A week later, the United… Read more »

February 13, 2023

New Israeli Regime Moves Toward “Cleansing” All Palestinians From Palestine

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s religious Zionist coalition, which was sworn in on December 29, 2022, declared in its manifesto that Jews have the “exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel.” To that end, in a little over a month, the Israeli regime has killed Palestinians, demolished their homes, mounted incursions into occupied… Read more »

January 15, 2023

The Supreme Court Is About to Eviscerate the Right to Strike

The right to strike is on trial in the Supreme Court. At stake is a 64-year-old precedent that shields workers and unions from state lawsuits while they pursue unfair labor practice claims in the federal National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). If unions have to defend against costly lawsuits, it will likely discourage them from going… Read more »

January 6, 2023

Cuba Says Biden Applies Blockade Even More Aggressively Than His Predecessors

“The current U.S. government, the one of Joseph Biden, of all those that the Cuban Revolution has known, is the one that has most aggressively and effectively applied the economic blockade,” Carlos Fernández de Cossío, vice minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, declared in a speech on December 14. “It is the one that punishes the most,… Read more »