Category: Supreme Court

December 5, 2021

For the First Time, Supreme Court Is Poised to Retract a Fundamental Right

For the first time in U.S. history, the Supreme Court is poised to take away a fundamental right from more than half of the people in the country. The Court’s December 1 oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization confirmed what progressives have feared since former President Donald Trump added three radical right-wingers to the court: The… Read more »

November 4, 2021

SCOTUS Likely to Allow Challenge to Texas Law, But May Still Overturn “Roe”

Texas’s draconian anti-abortion law remained in effect as the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on November 1 about whether it could be challenged in court. Known as the “Texas Heartbeat Law,” Senate Bill 8 (SB 8) outlaws all abortions after cardiac activity can be detected, generally after six weeks of pregnancy when most people don’t… Read more »

September 21, 2021

Justice Department Fights Back Against Texas Anti-Abortion Law

The Supreme Court’s greenlighting of the most draconian anti-abortion law in the country has had the right wing’s “desired effect of deterring abortion providers from offering virtually any abortions” in Texas since September 1, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ). S.B. 8 prohibits abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, before most people even know they’re pregnant…. Read more »

September 4, 2021

SCOTUS Ruling Allows Texas to Deputize Citizens as Anti-Abortion Police

Donald Trump’s installation of three radical right-wing “justices” on the Supreme Court is paying off for the forces trying to overturn Roe v. Wade. On September 1, in a 5-4 vote, the high court allowed the most restrictive anti-abortion law in the country to go into effect, in Whole Woman’s Health v. Jackson. SB 8, known as the “Texas… Read more »

July 4, 2021

Supreme Court Drives a Stake Through the Heart of the Voting Rights Act

Divided strictly along ideological lines, the Supreme Court construed what was left of the historic Voting Rights Act (VRA) to uphold two Arizona voter suppression laws that civil rights organizations had challenged for disproportionately burdening voters of color. This decision sends a dangerous signal to states that the courts are likely to uphold their voter… Read more »

June 19, 2021

Affordable Care Act Survives Right-Wing Attack in Supreme Court

In a long-awaited decision, the Supreme Court rejected a right-wing challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in California v. Texas, preserving health insurance for 21 million people who are predominantly low-income and people of color. The 7-2 opinion, written by Stephen Breyer, held that the plaintiffs did not have standing to contest the constitutionality of… Read more »

April 18, 2021

The Supreme Court Is Also to Blame for Daunte Wright’s Death

When veteran Minnesota police officer Kimberly Potter, who is white, stopped Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man, for an expired registration tag, she committed an act of racial profiling. As a result, Wright’s blood is on the hands not only of Potter but also of the U.S. Supreme Court, which has legally sanctioned this type… Read more »

November 19, 2020

Will Trump’s Attempted Electoral Coup Succeed?

Joe Biden has won states worth 306 Electoral College votes, 36 more than the 270 needed to win, and received in excess of 5 million more popular votes than Donald Trump. Yet Trump insists the election was stolen from him and he is the victor. Trump started attacking the election months before it happened. He leveled unsupported charges… Read more »

November 13, 2020

Trump’s Frivolous Lawsuits Are the Tip of the Iceberg in His Refusal to Concede

As masses of people poured into the streets to celebrate the end of Donald Trump’s fascist rule, the lame duck president’s lawyers were filing frivolous lawsuits in an attempt to nullify Joe Biden’s victory. But none of these suits, even if successful, would change the results of the election. Shortly after CNN called the election for Biden,… Read more »

October 17, 2020

Barrett Is Poised to Become the Most Radical Right-Wing Member of Supreme Court

During her Supreme Court confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Amy Coney Barrett refused to say that voter intimidation is illegal, that armed poll watchers are intimidating, that voter discrimination exists, whether the president could deny someone the right to vote based on race or that Congress has a constitutional duty to protect the… Read more »