Tag: Chevron deference

July 11, 2024

SCOTUS Furthers Right-Wing Agenda of Deconstruction of the Administrative State

Eliminating Chevron deference will harm consumers, workers, health, safety and environment, but will help corporations. On June 28, the six reactionary members of the Supreme Court put a final nail in the coffin of Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, in the companion cases of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce. By overruling Chevron, the court… Read more »

October 2, 2023

Right-Dominated Supreme Court Is Poised to Do Grave Harm in Upcoming Term

Voting rights and the protection of workers, consumers, health, safety and the environment are on the court’s docket. The 2023-2024 Supreme Court term will begin on Monday, October 2. Dominated by six right-wingers, the court has agreed to review cases in which voting rights, consumer protection, and the regulation of health and safety, workers’ rights… Read more »

May 14, 2023

SCOTUS Case May Slash Regulation of Everything From Workers’ Rights to Clean Air

Overruling “Chevron deference” could imperil our health, safety, labor, air, water, food and environmental protections. In an ominous but unsurprising development, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that may well imperil our health, safety, labor, clean air and water, food and environmental protections. On May 1, the court decided to reconsider its… Read more »

October 5, 2018

Five Reasons Why the GOP Is Rushing to Confirm Kavanaugh

After Donald Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, Trump and the GOP leadership mounted a full-court press to ram through his confirmation before October 1, the first day of the Court’s new term. Why the rush? In part they want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court before the November 6 midterm elections. If the… Read more »