Tag: January 6 insurrection

August 28, 2024

Refusing to Certify Elections Isn’t About Fairness. It’s Aimed at Sowing Doubt.

New rules in Georgia are worrisome but safeguards prevent rogue election officials from refusing to certify the results. After the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump and his allies denied that Joe Biden had won. To this day, election deniers refuse to accept that Trump lost the election. Efforts to thwart Biden from becoming president, including the Trump-inspired… Read more »

July 11, 2024

The Supreme Court Has Made It Official: US Presidents Are Now Monarchs

The Supreme Court’s “Trump v. United States” ruling gives Donald Trump “legal” cover for past and future lawbreaking. On July 4, Americans celebrate Independence Day, commemorating the Declaration of Independence when the colonists threw off the yoke of King George III. When they crafted it, the framers of the Constitution established three co-equal branches of… Read more »

September 15, 2023

Colorado Lawsuit’s Strategy for Keeping Trump Off Ballot Is Starting to Spread

The lawsuits cite the 14th Amendment, which says former officials who engage in insurrection may not serve as president. The lawsuit filed earlier this month by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) on behalf of six Colorado voters provides a template that can and will be used in other states to keep Donald Trump off… Read more »

August 22, 2023

Georgia RICO Charge Against Trump Is Broader Than Federal January 6 Indictment

Trump and/or his cronies are charged with 161 predicate acts in their criminal enterprise to overturn the election. Of the 91 criminal charges former President Donald Trump is facing, the most consequential is Count 1 of his fourth indictment, which was filed by Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis on August 14, 2023. It alleges Trump… Read more »

August 10, 2023

Donald Trump’s Trials Should Not Be Televised

Trump is no mere apprentice when it comes to manipulating the media in his favor. Two days after a federal grand jury charged Donald Trump with three conspiracies for his attempts to overturn Joe Biden’s election victory, culminating in the January 6, 2021, insurrection, 38 Democratic members of Congress urged the U.S Judicial Conference to… Read more »

April 7, 2022

Federal Judge’s Opinion May Compel DOJ to Bring Criminal Charges Against Trump

Donald Trump and his lawyer, former Chapman law school dean John Eastman, launched “a coup in search of a legal theory,” U.S. District Court Judge David O. Carter recently wrote in his stunning 44-page opinion. Carter found it “more likely than not” that Trump committed two federal crimes to further his and Eastman’s “campaign to overturn… Read more »